2024 is a leap year, which means we have an extra day to do some good and make the world a better place. Let's make February 29th count!
This leap year, COAST is supporting Gather. In addition to collecting donations from our staff to donate to this great organization, COAST is pledging to donate all fares collected on February 29th to Gather.
Ways YOU can get involved:
1) Drop a cash donation in any COAST fare box on February 29th.
2) Drop off a nonperishable food or personal care donation during our Stuff-A-Bus event (7AM - 2PM on 2/29 at the Dover Central Ave. Hannaford Parking Lot).
3) Purchase bus tickets from COAST to donate to Gather clients. COAST will match all ticket donations to double the impact!
All information about this fundraiser can be found at www.coastbus.org/give
All information about this fundraiser can be found at www.coastbus.org/give

Date and Time
Thursday Feb 29, 2024
7:00 AM - 2:00 PM EST
Thursday, February 29th, 7AM-2PM
Hannaford Parking Lot
833 Central Ave, Dover, NH 03820
Contact Information
Vanessa Polychronis
Send Email