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Norway Plains Associates, Inc.

Norway Plains Associates, Inc.


About Us

Norway Plains Associates, Inc. was founded in 1986 by Arthur Nickless, Jr., Charles Karcher, Jr. & Randy Tetreault, who were friends that had previously worked together in the surveying-engineering field. Locating the business in Rochester, NH, the three owners agreed to appropriately name the company after the historic name of Rochester Village - ''Norway Plains''.

The combined knowledge of the three founders coupled with their previous experience in the surveying field helped guide the company through the early years of development. Art Nickless was the company's first President, and main contact person throughout his time with Norway Plains, which was sadly cut short by his passing in 2014. Over the years that followed, through the ups and downs of business, the company was fortunate to have long-term employees that were vastly responsible for its longevity.

Randy Tetreault has been the President since 2014, and Norway Plains has remained true to its original plan of providing quality land surveying and civil engineering services to the general Strafford County area. In 2006 Norway Plains added an additional office in Alton, NH, to provide similar services to Carroll and Belknap County towns in the lakes region area. Norway Plains continues to strive towards keeping good relationships with our clients, business associates, and the local, county, and state regulatory agencies.


Norway Plains Associates
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Rep/Contact Info

Scott Lawler

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